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Our Day Too!

I woke up today having planned a day of rest and relaxation for myself. I have been feeling so busy and rushed off my feet lately that this seemed the perfect gift to myself. I have to say, It feels so good to rest!

As I reflect today on Mothers Day, a day that reminds me that I am not a mother to my own child and the feelings of failure and shame of not having reproduced in this society. There is a part of myself that has grown and is growing from the pain and anguish within. This part I call the Inner Mother. I believe that it is every persons journey to find this part within themselves. It is part that is compassionate, strong, knowing, loving and so very nurturing. We all deserve to have compassion, nurturing and love for ourselves. I question, if we don't, how can we truly be loving to others and also how can we believe we understand hardship of another if we have not felt and recovered from it in ourselves.

Compassion for myself can at times be fleeting, especially if I am working and on a mission to fix things. I seem to forget about myself and focus on trying to be compassionate and loving to others. In my experience it does not work, I just get tried, frazzled and to be honest a little resentful. It is only when I stop, and let the Inner Mother work her magic that I end up feeling so much better and able to be present to others, my loved ones. She seems to say all the right things. Here is a list of all the lovely things she does for me and the traits she has:

She is so very compassionate

She is loving

She makes me stop and breath

She cooks lovely meals

I get to eat my favourite foods

She accepts my apologies when I have done something toward myself or others that is a little off. She asks only that I learn from the lessons and move on.

She hears my grumbles and soothes me when things don't go my way.

She gives great internal hugs or motivates me to ask for hugs from loved ones.

She tells me that I don't need to take on others problems

She tells me she loves me

She helps me sit and listen, which helps me know what is the next action I need to take.

She helps me know that sometimes action is not acquired.

She helps me accept my emotions and wraps a blanket of love and lightness around them.

She helps me rest.

She helps me let go of things that are just not worth holding on too.

She helps me pursue my passions and interests.

She allows me to have fun, giggle and smile.

She picks me up when I am down and does not expect me to smile all the time.

She points out the beauty around me.

These are just a few.

I want to honour her today! Happy Mothers Day to my Inner Mother, thank you for all that you have done for me and do for me! She has really helped and helps me heal from the pain of disappontment and loss.

What does your Inner Mother do for you?

Things that have helped me start to cultivate this part of myself.

Find pictures that relate to the inner mother.

Write a list of what I need.

Write daily.



Go for walks.


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