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Starting to Grieve

So here I go, talking about my experience of grief and loss and how I have been able to express these through art.

Nine months ago my partner and I decided, at the age of 49 & 52, we had done enough and it was time to let go of our dream to becoming parents. We had been through 7 years of trying, including two rounds of IVF and it was enough!!! We both knew it was time and I knew that even though I was scared of going into the grief process, it was time to go eekk!

So with a look into each others eyes we held hands, said that we loved each other and plummeted into the grief and loss. I prayed, I posted on Gateway women and I started to write in my journal. It was one of the most painful times of my life. My heart felt like it was being ripped apart. I wrote and wrote and wrote.

For years I had been journalling and drawing and I knew that all I had to do is keep talking to people who would understand, who could empathise and keep sharing the pain that I felt and out of this would come the healing. At times I felt mad, but thank goodness there were people who went before me, who told me, 'it was totally OK to feel this way and that it was part of the process!' There really are some great forums out there.

Today I feel so grateful for the past 9 months and here I will share some of the images and experiences that have helped me get to where I am today.

If you are grieving - welcome to an amazing and painful journey. My experience has been awesome and it has helped me become so much more alive and compassionate for myself and others. My next workshop 'Grieve with Gusto' is on Saturday 26th March. I wish you luck on your own journey and I hope that this will give you courage and strength.

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